House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General and Dr. Lisa Damour , Child Psychologist
By Anna Love
Our LifeAct staff had an amazing opportunity to attend a special forum at the City Club on April 5th with U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy and clinical child psychologist, Dr. Lisa Damour.This informational Lunch and Learn solidified the important work we have ahead of us and our continued commitment to teen mental health and wellness.
If you are a parent or professional who works with youth in any way, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Murthy's latest podcast "House Calls" linked below, with Dr. Lisa Damour , NYT best-seller & child psychologist. Topics include teen mental health after the pandemic, child development, & how to support each other as we navigate parenthood / education in the 21st century - arguably the hardest time in history to raise children.
Listen to the podcast here.